Listing Presentation Checklist For Winning Listing Appointments

The Top 8 Listing Presentation Checklist Points To Impress Sellers & Win Listings.

Listing presentations can be taxing, but they don't have to be if you're prepared with an effective listing presentation checklist. The article outlines the top 8 listing presentation checklist points to use to impress the seller & win the listing appointment.

Top 8 Listing Presentation Checklist Points

Checklist Of 8 Proven Strategies To Include In Your Listing Presentation

  • 1 Your Mission Statement
  • 2 Your Listing Appointment Goal
  • 3 Your 2 Buyer Groups
  • 4 Your Home Selling Strategy
  • 9 Your Marketing Plan
  • 10 Client Price Selection
  • 11 Home Showing Plan
  • 12 Guaranteed Service Plan

Listing Presentation Checklist

How To Give Yourself The Unfair Advantage On The Listing Appointment

Have you ever heard this quote; 'Unspectacular preparation precedes spectacular performance."? It's a powerful quote that reminds us of our need to take seriously whatever we are doing in our real estate sales business. This is especially true when it comes to preparing yourself for the listing appointment. Going in prepared and confident with a 'listing presentation checklist' increases your chances of winning the listing and gaining a new client who will refer you to their family and friends. Having an elite listing presentation will convince your homeowner you have the marketing and sales skills required to sell their home.

If you are not certain what to include in your listing presentation... consider this checklist of recommendations.

Listing Presentation Checklist Point #1

Your Mission Statement... (Checklist Point 1)

Your listing presentation must be designed with your client's needs in mind. And it all starts with a well crafted listing presentation cover. As you know; 'You only get one chance to make a first impression'... so you better get it right. Having the 'right message' on your cover page is essential. That message must appeal to exactly what your client wants. Here are the top 2 expectations of your listing client.

listing presentation checklist point 1: your mission statement

#1: Guaranteed Service

Your listing client wants to know if you will fulfill all your promises. It's a major concern when it comes to selecting the right agent. That's why the headline of your cover page read must read... 'Guaranteed Service'. In only 2 words you have put your client at ease.

#2: A Sold Sign

'What does your listing client really want from you?'. The answer is... a sold sign on their front lawn. This is why your sub-headline reads as follows; 'Because Sold Is All That Matters!'.

The 'Your Mission Statement' is a must have checklist point to include in your listing presentation... learn more.

Listing Presentation Checklist Point #2

Your Listing Appointment Goal... (Checklist Point 2)

The next task of your listing presentation must offer a summary guideline of the listing presentation discussion you will have with your listing client. By providing an overview of the discussion flow prepares your client to understand how you will sell the home. It also explains how you are different from other agents and how your home selling plan is superior. To accomplish your listing appointment goal... your listing presentation must be divided into 2 unique sections.

listing appointment checklist point 2: listing appointment goal

Section 1: Yes I Have Buyers

Your goal in section 1 is to create 'seller trust'. Only by proving you have buyers can you create seller trust. When you place a list of real buyers on the seller's kitchen table... seller trust is automatically created.

Section 2: Marketing Plan

Your goal in section 2 is to create 'seller confidence'. It is both your Marketing Plan and Service Guarantee that creates seller confidence. Once you have create both trust and confidence... you then start your CMA discussion and then conclude with your Staging Plan.

The 'Your Listing Appointment Goal' is a must have presentation checklist point to include during the listing appointment... learn more.

Listing Presentation Checklist Point #3

Your 2 Buyer Groups... (Checklist Point 3)

It is a fact your listing clients hire you for 1 exclusive purpose... to find them a buyer. This means you must be able to position yourself as the Buyer Authority in the eyes of your sellers. When you do, you automatically create the required trust to win the seller's approval.

listing presentation checklist point 3: the 2 buyer groups

There Are Only 2 Buyer Types In Any City

1. First Time Buyers

They represent 30% of all buyers.

2. MLS Buyers

They represent 70% of all buyers.

The 'Your 2 Buyer Groups' is a must have checklist point to include in your listing presentation... learn more.

Listing Presentation Checklist Point #4

Your Home Selling Strategy... (Checklist Point 4)

listing presentation checklist point 4: the home selling plan

Since your listing clients hire you because they want a buyer, then your task when on the listing appointment is to prove you have buyers.

This is why your agent listing presentation must provide both the proof and evidence that you have buyers.

Put A List of Buyers On The Kitchen Table

When you put a list of 10 to 30 MLS Buyers on the seller's kitchen table, you are proving the proof and evidence required to win that seller's respect and recognition that you are the right agent for the job.

The 'Your Home Selling Plan' is a must have presentation checklist point to include during the listing appointment... learn more.

Listing Presentation Checklist Point #5

Your Marketing Plan... (Checklist Point 5)

listing appointment presentation checklist 5: your marketing plan

After you have proven you have MLS Buyers... its time to deal with first time buyers and seller stay informed plan.

12 Steps To A Success Sale

You will walk your client through 12 unique steps that resolve their top 12 problems when selecting an agent.

Stay Informed Plan

Your listing client wants to stay informed with the progress of the sale through the entire listing term. That's why it is critical to your listing success that your listing presentation outlines your Stay Informed Plan.

The 'Your Marketing Plan' is a must have checklist point to include in your listing presentation... learn more.

Listing Presentation Checklist Point #6

Your Client Price Selection... (Checklist Point 6)

listing presentation checklist 6: client price selection

Your client wants to be informed when it comes to price. Yet you must go beyond just the CMA. By offering your listing client 3 price points you position yourself for securing a listing that will sell fast.

1. Above Market Value

2. Fair Market Value

3. Below Market Value

By doing so, you are empowering your client to price the home based upon their selling urgency.

The 'Client Price Selection' is a must have presentation checklist point to include during the listing appointment... learn more.

Listing Presentation Checklist Point #7

The Home Showing Plan... (Checklist Point 7)

presentation checklist point 7: home showing plan

You want your listing to sell fast. For this reason you must inform your listing client on how price and home condition impact the sale of the home. This is done though 4 price point discussions.

1. Overpriced But Showable

2. Priced Right But Not Showable

3. Overpriced & Not Showable

4. Priced Right & Showable.

The 'Home Showing Plan' is a must have checklist point to include in your listing presentation... learn more.

Listing Presentation Checklist Point #8

Your Guaranteed Service Plan... (Checklist Point 8)

listing presentation checklist point #8: guaranteed service plan

Research proves homeowners are greatly concerned when it comes to trusting that an agent will fulfill all their promises. That is why it is recommended to have a 'service guarantee' agreement separate from the listing contract.

Service Guarantee Agreement

You will clearly outline your service guarantee to your client. It will be detailed... highlighting every individual promise.

The Result: You will have a seller who knows they can trust you to do all your promises.

The 'Guarantees Service Plan' is a must have presentation checklist point to include during the listing appointment... learn more.

If you enjoyed this 'listing presentation checklist' article you may want to check out how to create a listing presentation, listing presentation tips for listing appointments, or visit our listing presentation resources page.

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Listing Presentation Checklist To Impress Sellers & Win Listing Appointments